Wednesday 29 January 2014



This skirt is old, and when I mean old I wore it in 2008 when I went on holiday to Vegas and I'm not sure if it was new then… Anyway I love it and I am so glad I have kept it for so long because its a timeless statement piece. I just can't see it ever looking old or out of place in my wardrobe.

This look is part of a series that I shot last weekend, called 1 dress 5 ways. I took a black dress and styled it up five different ways, I have seen this on Pinterest however lots of this is flat layouts, you can't see the life in that so I wanted my take on it to have my personal style to it. 

I love accessorising I chose my Thomas Sabo rings, silver studded costume necklace and statement cuff. The necklace and bracelet are actually pieces from the collection I was selling when I had my own jewellery/handbag range last year. 

I love pink and a statement so I kept the rest of my outfit black and simple so the skirt would really pop. Statement pieces especially leggings and trousers excite me. I am also a big fan of a statement jacket too, I tend to wear one statement piece at a time and tone the rest of my outfit down.

I am a self confessed girly girl and if you follow me on instagram, majority of my posts are pink, however my style is more edgy rather than pretty. I like to mix up my pink and girly items in my wardrobe with pieces like my leather jacket and a studded skinny belt. If I am wearing a dress I will mix it up with a studded clutch bag and a quirky statement necklace.


  1. The skirt is amazing lovely with the black top Lucy

    1. Thank you Lucy :) It is one of my favourite skirts xx

  2. Lovely outfit!! So stylish :D You look beautiful! Great post :)
    Ava xox

    1. Thank you Ava, that is so lovely of you! Glad you enjoyed reading :) xx

  3. Love this outfit :) right up my street xx

    1. Thank you Becky :) I thought you might like this look! xx


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