Wednesday 1 January 2014

HELLO 2014


I want to welcome in the New Year with a little mini recap of 2013 and share with you my plans for 2014… 2013 was a good year for me, of course like all years it had its ups and downs, new beginnings, jobs and lots of adventures. I travelled lots, went to gigs, indulged in lots of food and filled my world with fashion and style but one of the best things was starting my blog. I started my blogging journey in November which I have loved every minute so far. 

Blogmas really helped me with my blogging, posting every day taking lots of photos and writing regularly meant that I made lots progress and really got into it. I loved Blogmas so much that I did the 12 days of Christmas. In 2014 I won't be blogging every day, however I plan to do Manicure Monday, a Youtube video and matching blog post on Wednesdays and my week on instagram on Fridays. That means I will be starting my Youtube adventure this year.

My blog hit 75 followers on bloglovin yesterday and I have been properly blogging for two months so I think that is a fantastic achievement and I am really happy that people are reading my blog posts and commenting, the fact that people take time out of their day to engage is just brilliant. Thank you if you are one of those lovely people.

Instagram is a big part of my blog, I love taking pictures and was very lucky to get a Nikon 1 J1 for my 21st Birthday this year which I use every single day. I post on Instagram regularly and I have gained 270 followers in the space of two months. The mind boggles… same with twitter my followers they grow every day and I have reached 159 followers over there too! I really hope this continues to grow throughout 2014. 

P.s I love food, I take too many pictures of my food and I just can't help it...

I love to travel and I was very lucky to visit Paris and New York last year. My first adventure of 2014 is to Paris again which I am very excited about. I went to Paris last April with my boyfriend and fell in love with the city it however I didn't go to Disney Land Paris. This time I am going with my best friend it is going to be brilliant and I can't wait to share it with you.

I would like to wish you a Happy, healthy, stylish and successful New Year and I hope you continue to read my blog in 2014. 


  1. What a great reflection, congrats on all the new followers too :) keep up the good work!

    Beauty by Alice | Blog | YouTube | xxx

    1. Thank you Alice :) I'm so happy that my followers are growing x


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